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Preserving the musculoskeletal balance before, during and after pregnancy

Peri-conceptional consultation aims to improve the well-being of women who want to have a child and to ensure that they receive care that will enable them to procreate, become pregnant and give birth in the best possible conditions.
At the musculoskeletal level, childbirth, which is usually very smooth, is a traumatic moment for both mother and baby.
It is therefore important to "check" if everything is going well so as not to aggravate an existing disorder.
The techniques used in this kind of care are gentle techniques, always listening to the reactions of the mother and baby.
It can be the management of a pain or a feeling of discomfort after the birth for the mother.


At the same time, we can propose you a peri-conception Nutritional Physiological assessment, if you wish to approach your pregnancy with complete peace of mind.

This assessment will enable us to highlight certain nutritional and micro-nutritional deficiencies which could be detrimental to the conception and development of your baby as well as the post-partum consequences (weight gain, depression...).

At the end of this assessment, personalised advice and follow-up will be offered to you in order to make this period as comfortable as possible.

Schedule online. It's easy, fast and secure.

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mon london physio exercices adolescents.
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Taking care of children's disorders

A growing child is not an adult in miniature: he needs specific care, depending on his age and sex.

For the child the care concerns :

  • Orthopaedic imbalances: congenital torticollis, club foot, equine varus foot...

  • Functional problems: difficulty eating, digesting, sleeping, breathing...

  • Sessions for babies rarely last more than 45 minutes apart from the initial assessment.

During childhood and adolescence, musculoskeletal disorders are more and more frequent:

  • scoliosis

  • sprain(s)

  • patello-femoral syndrome

  • post surgery rehabilitation

  • temporo-mandibular joint problem

  • dyspraxia, dyslexia, dysphasia


It's important to look for the causes of all these disorders so that your child doesn't suffer from them during development and as an adult.

Schedule online. It's easy, fast and secure.

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