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mon london physio physiological nutritio
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mon london physio physiological nutritio
mon london physio physiological nutritio

Reduce risk factors and treat certain diseases.

Physiological nutrition is the science that clinically and biologically studies the reciprocal relationship between diet (food or food supplements) and health for a single individual.

In short, how my food choices impact my health and conversely how my health influences my food choices.

To give some examples, low consumption of essential fatty acids Omega 3 (which cannot be created by the body) leads to chronic inflammation problems, hormonal disorders (premenstrual syndrome in women), circulation disorders (cold extremities, heavy legs), mood disorders.

Conversely, a person with an insufficient production (due to an overloaded liver, for example) of serotin (the pleasure hormone) will have a tendency to have sweet compulsions in the late afternoon so that his brain can capture the little serotin secreted.


Physiological nutrition will enable all these clinical signs to be linked together in order to determine the weakest link or links. Biology will allow us to objectify the deficits and excesses in order to propose a personalised treatment and to follow its evolution.

Physiological nutrition is not only concerned with the contents of the plate but also with all the problems of digestion, transport and assimilation.


Recently, the analysis of the intestinal microbiota, often referred to as the second brain, has made it possible to highlight imbalances responsible for certain pathologies and/or to alert to the presence of risk factors for the appearance of certain diseases.


Here is a non-exhaustive list of disorders treated by physiological nutrition:

  • prevention and treatment of digestive disorders

  • prevention and treatment of osteoarticular disorders

  • prevention and management of inflammatory diseases

  • prevention and management of autoimmune diseases

  • chronic fatigue

  • Mood disorders

  • Sleep disorders

  • peri-conceptional support: from the desire to have a child up to the age of 3, fertility disorders

  • Prevention and management of cardiovascular diseases (stroke, myocardial infarction, etc.).

  • prevention and management of metabolic diseases (diabetes, overweight, etc.)

  • prevention of burn-out

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